
Enables you to deploy your gatsby site to a S3 bucket.

Requires very little configuration, while optimizing your site as much as possible.


  • 📦 Fully handles the deployment process for you, all you need to configure is your bucket name.

    • Automatically creates/updates bucket with optimal configuration applied.
    • Syncs gatsby files to the bucket & updates metadata.
  • ⏭ Redirects.
  • 💾 Optimizes caching for you.
  • ☁️ Optional serverless framework support if you want to take things a step further.
  • ✏️ Add your own params to uploaded S3 objects (if you wish).


Install the plugin:

npm i gatsby-plugin-s3

Add it to your gatsby-config.js & configure the bucket name (required)

plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-s3`,
      options: {
          bucketName: 'my-website-bucket'

There are more fields that can be configured, see below.

Add a deployment script to your package.json

"scripts": {
    "deploy": "gatsby-plugin-s3 deploy"

Optionally you can skip the confirmation prompt automatically by adding --yes like so:

    "deploy": "gatsby-plugin-s3 deploy --yes"

When gatsby-plugin-s3 detects a CI environment, it will automatically skip this prompt by default.

After configuring credentials (see below), you can now execute npm run build && npm run deploy to have your site be build and immediately deployed to S3.



A couple of different methods of specifying credentials exist, the easiest one being using the AWS CLI:

# NOTE: ensure python is installed
pip install awscli
aws configure

Environment variables

If you don't want to have your credentials saved globally (i.e. you're dealing with multiple tokens on the same environment), they can be set as environment variables, for example:

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxx AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=xxxx npm run deploy

Additionally, these can be set in a local .env file too, but this requires a bit more setup work. See the recipe here.


Most of the aspects of the plugin can be configured. Default configuration is as follows:

    bucketName: '',
    region: undefined,
    protocol: undefined,
    hostname: undefined,
    params: {},
    mergeCachingParams: true,
    generateRoutingRules: true,
    generateRedirectObjectsForPermanentRedirects: false,
    generateIndexPageForRedirect: true,
    generateMatchPathRewrites: true,
    removeNonexistentObjects: true,
    retainObjectsPatterns: [],
    customAwsEndpointHostname: undefined,
    enableS3StaticWebsiteHosting: true,
    parallelLimit: 20,
    maxRetries: undefined;
    connectTimeout: undefined;
    timeout: undefined;
    fixedRetryDelay: undefined;
    verbose: false;

Read the full spec with explanation of each field here:


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© Jari Zwarts 2020